Currently writing:  Rainsong

In the world of Rainsong, gentle cloud spirits have roamed the skies from dawn to dusk since time immemorial, always foretelling a beautiful future for the Towering City. But other spirits of a darker nature have recently started showing themselves, only at night – the time when no city-dweller would ever dare go out – predicting nothing but doom.

An outcast child haunted by disturbing visions since birth that echo the recent predictions wants nothing to do with the darkness of night. Instead, all she has ever wanted is to belong – to feel like a child of the Towering City, loved and cherished like any other child, shunned for her sights no longer. She ignores the terrible things she sees even as they scream louder in her head than ever before and continues to seek out the dangers of the city. But when a dark ghost approaches her, promising to show her all there is to know about her blood ties to the City, the girl must face her fears, shadow the spirit into the dead of night – and open her eyes to what she has been seeing.

Rainsong, an epic fantasy tale, will be my debut novel and is a tribute to different mythical motifs surrounding sun goddesses across cultures. 

The Sweet Salt of the Earth – part of Dutch short story collection Meer dan Menselijk. Proceeds are donated to the Dutch Autism Association

The people of Forest Fields shower most of their gods with admiration and offerings but to Ragda, goddess of roots and all things beneath the earth, they are not so generous. After all, the things she controls lay beneath the ground, unseen under layers of dirt and sand, out of sight and out of mind. They say tireless Ragda herself does not mind the lack of people’s affection for her and continues to make things grow and flourish – no matter the taunts and ridicule she has endured from god and human alike since memory serves. Until one day, the limit she herself did not know existed is reached.

An innovative modern classic” – Goodreads Reviews

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